Persona 2: Innocent Sin Novel, Prologue (English Translation)
“ — Yoshizaka. You have any interest in transitioning to middle-distance races?” I can barely even remember the face of my middle-school coach, but that remark and voice are the only things that remain clearly in my memory. Probably because I was asked so many times. Since I’d done well enough as a short-distance runner in middle school, it seemed like my coach was adamant about having me become a star mid-distance runner. I continued to decline. It didn’t suit me. Practice is too demanding. I don’t have the stamina. What came after that again? I had multiple excuses prepared. I can’t remember them all. After awhile, my coach stopped bringing it up. I’d break my own record over and over again anyway. Around the time I moved on to high school, I’d been burdened with the title of “Rising Star of the Track team”. I loved the instant a race started. From the moment I got into starting position, the surroundings and colors would blur out like an old photograph. The only thing I could...